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Kathleen Freeman OD, FAAO

Kathleen F. Freeman OD, FAAO

Dr. Kathy Freeman is a graduate of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry. After completing a residency in Rehabilitative Optometry at the University of Houston College of Optometry, she served on the faculty in the Low Vision and Contact Lens Clinics. She established the Santa Rosa Low Vision Clinic in San Antonio, Texas, in 1991. Dr. Freeman is a Diplomate in Low Vision and is past Chair of the Low Vision Section of the American Academy of Optometry (2000-2002) as well as past Chair of the Low Vision Section of the American Optometric Association (2001-2003). She has written and lectured extensively on topics related to rehabilitation of the visually impaired.

Recent Contributions to PracticeUpdate:

  1. Sports Vision: Normalize vs Maximize